
I believe the best testimonial comes directly from the people I’ve helped.

Here's one:

"...Dr. Greene is very personable and puts one at ease, young or old. She has a wealth of experience and connections in the psychosocial community in addition to her professional expertise." S.M.T., Maryland

If you would like to speak with someone directly, simply give me a call and I'll connect you with them.

..."My life is brand new. Thank you Dr. Greene for giving me a new fresh and new perspective of life. Now I can begin again". Chrstina H.

...."I am a better man Thanks to you Dr. Greene" Make room on your schedule, because whenever I'm in town, I'm 'coming to see you. `Alan.

`` Dr. Greene, Your bought new meaning to our marriage and helped us to clearly see and love each other for our differences. Thank you!" Charlene and Mike

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